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Neurofeedback is also known as EEG biofeedback, neuro-biofeedback, neurotherapy, and brain wave training. These terms are often used interchangeably. Neurofeedback training is effective for many conditions, such as head injuries, depression, anxiety, ADHD, cognitive decline and more.   All of these conditions are regulated by brain wave function.  It is used to improve flexibility and resilience in the brain and to help teach the brain to overcome injured areas or let go of the ways it is becoming stuck.  Everything we have ever experienced, learned or had an emotional reaction to is registered in neural traces and networks.  This is why Neurotherapy has become such an invaluable additional tool for mental health and wellness.  Using neurofeedback training we can teach the brain to reduce or increase the likelihood that patterns of behavior happen.

Neurofeedback is a therapeutic intervention that presents the client with real-time feedback on brainwave activity, as measured by sensors on the scalp, and typically in the form of visual or audio rewards. The number of sensors determines if the clinician is doing “single channel” "four channel" or “full cap” EEG (20 channels training at once). We utilize all of these depending on the training goals and QEEG.

When brain activity (amplitude or connectivity) changes in the direction desired by the customized neurofeedback protocol, a positive "reward" feedback is given to the individual. Most neurofeedback methods train brain waves to create conditioned self-regulation.

Optimizing brainwave activity can have impressive health benefits for people suffering from a number of conditions.