
Meet the Doctors

Whatever your health concern is, be rest assured that Dr. Cartwright and Dr. Gayla are more than qualified to help you find the answers you seek.

  • doctor
    Dr. David Cartwright

    Whatever your health concern is, be rest assured that your Wichita Falls, TX chiropractor, Dr. David Cartwright is more than qualified to help you find the answers you seek.


    • 4 Years – Bachelor of Science Pre-Vet Zoology (Auburn University)
    • 4 Years - Northwestern Health Sciences University - Doctorate of Chiropractic 
    • Extensive Postgraduate Training on various topics including functional neurology, nutrition, and orthopedics.


    • National Board of Chiropractic Examiners   
    • State Board Examination – WI and TX
    • Licensed in WI and TX (Since 2011)
    • Registered Trigenics ® Practitioner, RTP

    Memberships & Associations:

    • Gonstead Clinical Studies Society
    • Advanced Management & Consulting
    • International Chiropractors Association
    • American Chiropractors Association
    • Texas Chiropractors Association
    • American Functional Neurology Institute
    • Wichita Falls Chamber of Commerce


    • AMC HONORS: Bronze, 1-Star, 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, 5-Star, Platinum, Double Platinum, Top of the World (The Most Prestigious Award in the Company) AMC Right Start Training Center
    • Voted BEST CHIROPRACTOR in Wichita Falls TX by Wichita Falls Times Record News in 2016
    • Voted one of Wichita Falls Top 20 Under 40 (business leaders) by Wichita Falls Times Record News in 2014
    • Graduated Cum Laude
    • Accomplished speaker on various health topics
    • Martial Arts instructor and student in various arts


    • Happily married; with one daughter
    • Interests Include: Serving the Lord, family/friends, hunting, martial arts, reading, adventure traveling, and continuous learning and personal development

    I am a chiropractor because it fundamentally changed my life and health for the better when NOTHING else could.  At the age of 16 I ‘threw’ my back out with a very vigorous sneeze.  The force was enough to take my legs out from under me and I fell onto the floor.  It took two days of lying on my back for me to be able to start “walk/limp it off”.  After a week the pain was gone.  However, after that first ‘crippling episode’, I was plagued by similar events 6-8 times per year for a decade.  Being a competitive athlete, I couldn’t let back pain slow me down so I naturally went to my family medical doctor.  He seemed to be as perplexed as we were why a young healthy athlete could have these problems, especially since the x-rays and exam came back ‘normal’.  He recommended that I do physical therapy to strengthen my core.  After doing the initial therapy over two months, I would still get the crippling episode.

    After multiple visits to therapy, orthopedics doctors, neurologists; and many exams, test, and images over an 8-year period; I was still plagued by the same problem with no answers and no solutions.  I continued my athletics and even began training martial arts over that time.  Living with chronic pain is hard, but I wasn’t going to let it change my life. 
    When I was 26 years old and becoming a martial arts instructor, I had a particularly bad episode during a ride on a speed boat.  The pain was so intense and how it happened I was concerned that I had fractured something in my spine.  My instructor at the time was dating a chiropractor, Dr. Marla, and he encouraged me to seek her help.  Looking back, I knew nothing about chiropractic at the time, but I greatly respected the advice of my instructor so I made an appointment for an evaluation.

    At Dr. Marla’s clinic I knew right away this was different than the other doctors I had seen in the past.  She spent time with me to get a good history and did a very thorough exam and x-ray.  More thorough than some of the ‘specialists’ I had seen in past.  She asked me to come back the next day so she could evaluate my x-rays and exam finding.  At my next appointment she explained to me how my pelvis was twisted and that it had been like that for many years and that was why my back had been hurting chronically.  She recommended that we adjust the right pelvis to help to begin correcting the misalignment.  I was hesitant due to the amount of pain I was in, but I knew something had to change. 
    I will never forget that first treatment!!!  After she set my pelvis, I knew my back had been waiting for that exact thing for ten years!  It blew my mind and I had so many questions.

    At that time in my life, I was 26 years old, working two jobs, going to school part time, and training/teaching martial arts 6 days a week.  Frankly I was set up for burn out and I had decided a month previous to the injury that I was going to apply to medical school to become an MD.

    However, after my experience with chiropractic, I needed to know more about how this worked.  Fortunately, there was a chiropractic college in the city I lived in and I set up a tour to learn more.  About half way through the tour of the college I knew it was my calling to be a chiropractor, because I wanted to help people who also had lost hope get the help they need; just like Dr. Marla had done for me.

    Over time I found my health back through balancing my nervous system (which controls EVERY system in your body including your immune response) through chiropractic adjustments and diet changes. I am now pain free, medication free and have never looked back...

    I understand what it feels like to hurt, to be on multiple medications, to avoid the things that you love because of pain....

    The reality is that we are not designed to suffer but are created to prosper in this life.  We only have one life and the goal is to live it at 100%! 
    My goal and mission is to help every single patient live the life that they DESERVE through natural and powerful Chiropractic care. 

    If you are sick of being told it's in your head, sick of suffering, have seen multiple doctors and are still without answers or relief.....then you have nothing to lose like I once did.  Our average patient has been to typically 3 different doctors before coming to us.  These are the people that I love to serve and help!'

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. David Cartwright

  • DrGaylaThombleson
    Dr. Gayla Thombleson

    Whatever your health concern is, be rest assured that your Wichita Falls, TX chiropractor, Dr. Gayla Thombleson is more than qualified to help you find the answers you seek.


    • Associates of Science (Vincennes University) 
    • Bachelor of Professional Studies- Northeast College of Health Sciences (Formally New York Chiropractic College)
    • Doctor of Chiropractic- Northeast College of Health Sciences (Formally New York Chiropractic College)
    • Extensive Postgraduate Training on various topics including functional neurology, nutrition, and pediatrics.


    • National Board of Chiropractic Examiners   
    • State Board Examination – IN, KY and TX
    • Licensed in IN, KY, and TX since 2017

    Memberships & Associations:

    • Circuit Member of Wichita Falls
    • Leadership of Wichita Falls Class of 2023


    • Interests Include: Spending time with Family and Friends, reading, kayaking, fishing and being outside. 

    From a very young age I always wanted to be a doctor. 

    As a kid I watched my mom suffer from severe migraines. Her headaches would get so bad she would have to lay down and sleep for long periods of time, sometimes a whole day. This made it difficult for her to be active with my brother, sister, and I as we were involved in many different activities. Sometimes she would try to push through to get us where we needed to be, but we all could see how difficult it was for her. 

    The only thing that would help her get relief was chiropractic care.  After her positive experience with chiropractic care, my mom would take myself and my siblings to get adjusted because we had taken many falls from riding horses.

    One time in high school, I had a very bad fall where I broke my hand.   During the fall I hit the ground so hard that I also landed on my shoulder and hit my head.

    At the time, everyone was more concerned with my broken hand, but I hurt all over.

    After my hand started to heal, I was still having issues with my neck and back. I was getting more headaches and my low back was so painful that it was difficult to go out and do the feeding of the animals and riding horses.   Things were so bad that it even made reading difficult.

    The other doctors and physical therapist were not concerned about it. They were more focused on my hand and how it was doing.   They told me it was just muscle pain, but I knew something was not right.

    My mom decided to take me to our chiropractor, Dr. Reasor.   He started asking a lot of questions and got down to the cause of the problem.

    Once I began doing care with Dr. Reasor, my problems started to get better.  It was at this point that I decided I wanted to be a chiropractor and help people, just like I had been  helped.

    I applied and was accepted to Chiropractic school in upstate New York at New York Chiropractic College now known as Northeast College of Health Sciences.

    In my first year of practice, I had some tough cases where I ran out of answers.   This bothered me because I knew these patients were getting nowhere with their other doctors that they were seeing.

    At this point, I knew I needed to continue my education and find someone to help me find more answers and solutions for my patients. 

    I joined Falls Clinic in the beginning of 2022 to learn how to help patient with more complex problems like neuropathy, frozen shoulders, and chronic health issues.   Since being here, I have learned many successful treatment solutions and am excited to be helping people. 

    I love it here in Texas and am excited to be able to help more people get their lives back.

    Yours in Health,

    Dr. Gayla Thombleson
